Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Er case letter denotes considerable variations.TCh (g g-1 DM)900 600 The nonmarketable values of these two indicators are reached ten days following Flurbiprofen axetil Inhibitor storage (DAS) in C and 12 DAS in Azo. The YI also enhanced additional quickly inside the handle (Figure (Exp 1) (Exp two) 2c). This parameter, in actual fact, from the starting of storage for the end, was reduced by 11.0 and 24.1 , respectively for Azo and C. TC decreased for the duration of storage by 19.1 and 23.3 , respectively for Azo and C (Figure 3b). a aa b ab b a ab b a b c (a)CAzo(c)CAzoYBATC (g g-1 DM)200 ns a ab b a a ns ns b100(b)0 0 5CAzo(d)0CAzoYBAStorage time (d)Storage time (d)Figure 3. Trend of totaltotal chlorophyll (TCh) and total carotenoid (TC) content material throughout the storage of thethe wild rocket treated Figure three. Trend of chlorophyll (TCh) and total carotenoid (TC) content in the course of the storage of wild rocket treated with Azoxystrobin (Azo) at preharvest in in Exp 1 (a,b),and with Azoxystrobin or an algae-based biostimulant (YBA) in with Azoxystrobin (Azo) at preharvest Exp 1 (a,b), and with Azoxystrobin or an algae-based biostimulant (YBA) in Exp two Exp two and of that relating for the the untreated manage (C). DM==dry matter. Vertical bars indicate SD (n (n3). ns, and (c,d), (c,d), and of that relating to untreated handle (C). DM dry matter. Vertical bars indicate SD = =3). ns, and indicate indicate F test not important, substantial 0.05 and and considerable P 0.01, respectively. Separation of mean within the F test not significant, substantial at P at P 0.05 considerable at at P 0.01, respectively. Separation of imply within days from the from thestoragestorage by SNK test (P = 0.05). Distinct reduced case letter denotes considerable differences. commence of start out of by SNK test (P = 0.05). Different reduced case letter denotes substantial differences. the daysNo important effects of Azoxystrobin have been observed on TP, TAA (Figure 4a,b) and Ni (Figure 5a) through storage. Ni remained unchanged though TP and TAA tended to a slight reduction and a slight enhance for the duration of storage, respectively.Agronomy 2021, 11, 2326 PEER Overview 2021, 11, x FOR Agronomy 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEWof 15 109of 14 10 of20(Exp 1) (Exp 1)C Cns ns ns ns ns ns(Exp two) (Exp two)Azo Azons ns ns ns ns ns ns nsTP (mg g-1 DM) TP (mg g-1 DM)15 15 ten five 5 0ns ten nsns ns(a) (a)(c) (c)C CAzo AzoYBA YBA1.0 1.0 0.8 0.eight 0.6 0.6 0.four ns 0.four ns ns ns 0.2 ns ns 0.two (b) 0.0 (b) 0.0 0 five 0TAA (g(g Trolox 100-1 DM) TAA Trolox 100 g g-1 DM)C CAzo Azoa aa ab b (d) ns ns ns nsns nsns nsns ns(d)C C 5 five 10Azo Azo 15Figure 4. Trend with the L-Gulose Autophagy nitrate content material (Ni), total phenols (TP) and antioxidant activity (TAA) during the storage in the Figure 4. Trend of your nitrate content material (Ni), total phenols (TP) and antioxidant activity (TAA) through the storage with the wild Figure four. Trend ofwithnitrate content (Ni), total phenols (TP) and antioxidant activity two (c,d), during the storage ofto the unthe Azoxystrobin or an algae-based biostimulant (YBA) in Exp (TAA) and of that relating the wild rocket (a,b) (a,b) and with Azoxystrobin or an algae-based biostimulant (YBA) in Exp two (c,d), and of that relating to the wild rocket and rocket (a,b) and (C). DM = dry matter. Vertical bars indicate SD (n =3). ns, in Exp 2 (c,d), and considerable, significant untreated manage with Azoxystrobin or an algae-based biostimulant (YBA) indicate F test not of that relating towards the at P untreated DM = matter. Vertical 3). ns, indicate F not considerable, important at at significant, considerable tr.