Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Ic AccessAuthor manuscriptJ Org Chem. Author manuscript; out there in PMC 2022 February 05.Published in final edited type as: J Org Chem. 2021 February 05; 86(3): 2037057. doi:10.1021/acs.joc.0c02774.Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author ManuscriptAn Organic Chemist’s Guide to N-Nitrosamines: Their Structure, Reactivity, and Role as ContaminantsJessica C. Beard, Timothy M. Swager Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technologies, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United states;AbstractN-DP Agonist Storage & Stability nitrosamines are a class of compounds notorious both for the potent carcinogenicity of numerous of its members and for their widespread occurrence all through the human atmosphere, from air and water to our diets and drugs. Considerable effort has been devoted to understanding Nnitrosamines as contaminants, and solutions for their prevention, remediation, and detection are ongoing challenges. Understanding the chemistry of N-nitrosamines might be crucial to addressing these challenges. To facilitate such understanding, we concentrate in this Viewpoint around the structure, reactivity, and synthetic applications of N-nitrosamines with an emphasis on alkyl N-nitrosamines. The part of N-nitrosamines as water contaminants plus the strategies for their detection are also discussed.Graphical AbstractN-Nitrosamines (or simply “nitrosamines”) are a class of compounds sharing the basic structure 1 (Chart 1), exactly where the amine moiety could be derived from any organic secondary amine. Lots of nitrosamines, ERK1 Activator Source specifically those with structure two (e.g., N-nitrosodimethylamine [NDMA], Chart 1), are recognized to become carcinogenic to animals and are reasonably anticipated to become human carcinogens.1 Scheme 1 shows the mechanism of carcinogenicity for two. Nitrosamine two initial undergoes enzymatic -hydroxylation with cytochrome P450 and subsequently forms the dealkylated major nitrosamine. The unstable primary nitrosamine further decomposes to diazonium 3, a DNA alkylating agent.two,four,five The resulting DNA harm can lead to cancer.This really is an open access post published beneath an ACS AuthorChoice License, which permits copying and redistribution on the report or any adaptations for non-commercial purposes. Corresponding Author: Timothy M. Swager Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technologies, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, United states of america; [email protected]. The authors declare no competing economic interest.Beard and SwagerPageIn current years, nitrosamines have drawn improved consideration following a number of well known drugs were found to contain unacceptable levels of nitrosamines, resulting in recalls6 and new regulatory guidance.7 On the other hand, concern over nitrosamine exposure is considerably older than these latest recalls. Though now applied only as a analysis chemical, NDMA was previously made use of to get a number of industrial applications.three,eight NDMA initially only drew concern for its high toxicity,9 but in 1956 it was reported to be carcinogenic to rats10 and scrutiny soon turned toward other nitrosamines. Now, we understand that lots of nitrosamines are carcinogenic1 and they will be found throughout the human atmosphere, from air, water, and soil to foods, drinks, and drugs.two,7,8 Those new for the trouble of nitrosamines will discover several fairly current testimonials on nitrosamines as contaminants (specifically NDMA in water),115 but scarce discussion of nitrosamines as organic chemical compounds. On the other hand, an understanding on the chemistry of nitrosamines might be necessary to addressing many of t.