Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

E multiple mechanistic pathways involved in nitrosamine photolysis, which as a result of their complex environmental dependence usually are not fully understood. We describe below the array of mechanisms as well as the items of NDMA, which is one of the most studied N-nitrosamine and serves as a common guide for the expected reactivity of other dialkyl analogues. The proposed pathways of nitrosamine photolysis in remedy are depicted for NDMA in Figure five, and for simplicity some secondary reactions have been excluded. In contrast for the gas phase wherein photolytic breakdown proceeds by a mechanism analogous to path A (homolysis) in Figure 5,93,94 in the remedy phase NDMA also can be protonated (33) and decomposed by nucleophilic nitrite attack (path B)98,101 or water (hydrolysis, path C).26,102 Alternatively, 33 can rearrange (path D) for the unstable N-protonated isomer (34), which then homolytically fragments.26,102,103 Fragmentation of 34 is very distinct from what is observed in path A, wherein NO and 31 can recombine to regenerate NDMA.23,99 Especially, this homolysis is effectively irreversible because the recombination of NO and aminium radical 35 would make high-energy species 34, which is energetically unfavorable.26,103 Thus, the decomposition of 33 (by means of paths B ) just isn’t anticipated to bring about considerable reformation of NDMA.103 Paths A are constant with experimental observations in the effect of pH on photolysis. Though the rate of nitrosamine photolysis increases with decreasing pH in JAK2 Inhibitor supplier aqueous solutions in air,95,104,105 the quantum yield of NDMA decomposition by photolysis is constant ( 0.three) more than an extended array of H4 Receptor Antagonist Synonyms acidity, pH two.100,101 Nonetheless, the decomposition quantum yields drop precipitously to below 0.1 involving pH eight and continue to gradually decrease with escalating alkalinity above pH 9.101 This pH dependence suggests that the pKa of 33 is eight, above which point decomposition from NDMA dominates.101 On top of that, the quantum yields obtained above pH 9 in water are similar to these obtained in neutral aprotic solvent for other dialkylnitrosamines, which also decompose in the neutral excited state (e.g., NDMA).99,106 A dependence around the initial nitrosamine concentration has also been observed in aprotic solvent. This feature is anticipated for decomposition by path A: at higher initial concentrations, 31 has an increased probability of hydrogen atom abstraction from unreacted NDMA as an alternative to recombination with NO.99 In contrast to aqueous solutions, the photolysis quantum yields in aprotic options are considerably enhanced by the addition of acid,23,106,107 presumably because paths B turn into accessible. Path E in Figure five illustrates how NDMA and 33 can decompose by means of single-electron transfer to O2 with subsequent fragmentation of your oxidized species.101 This mechanismJ Org Chem. Author manuscript; out there in PMC 2022 February 05.Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author Manuscript Author ManuscriptBeard and SwagerPagewas proposed as part of an explanation to account for variations in quantum yield in between solutions photolyzed under O2 and those below N2. In accord with this branch point inside the mechanistic possibilities, a distinct decrease in quantum yield is observed with increasing pH under N2 atmosphere.101 The decreased decomposition quantum yield when photolysis is run beneath inert atmosphere has been noted earlier for options in acetonitrile but was attributed to O2 reacting with radicals in path A to hinder r.