Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

L, obtained by methylene chloride fractionation was identified as the active compound responsible for anti-lymphoma activity of chrysanthemum Ephrin-B1 Proteins Storage & Stability extracts [157]. A equivalent result obtained for Piperlongumine, an active agent obtained from lengthy pepper. This compound showed a concentration dependent reduction in cell proliferation and increased apoptosis inside a transgenic mouse model of human Burkitt’s lymphoma cells, by downregulating NF-B and Myc activity and subsequently many downstream target genes [158]. Triptolide, obtained from Trypterygium extracts is recognized to possess anti-cancer and immunosuppressive activities. Like Piperlongumine and Lupeol, Triptolide inhibited EBV-positive B-lymphocyte proliferation, lowered LMP1 transcriptional and protein levels, both in cell lines and nude mice models [159]. Wogonin and Fisetin are two flavanoid chemical compounds obtained from Scutellaria and Fabaceae family members of plants respectively, have also been shown to possess antitumor traits. Non-cytotoxic concentrations of Fisetin inhibited migration and invasion of the NPC cell line expressing LMP1 (CNE-LMP1) and blocked related molecular modifications top to EMT. This tends to make Fisetin as a sturdy candidate for developing an anti-metastatic drug [160, 161]. An additional flavonoid, Wogonin, brought on improved apoptosis in Raji cells (Burkitt’s lymphoma cell line) by suppressing expression of NF-B by way of a pathway involving LMP1/mir-155/NF-B /PU.1, resulting in decreased tumor development, and downregulation of Ki67 and p65 [162, 163]. Romidepsin and Radicicol are all-natural items of microbial origin which can downregulate LMP1 expression and signaling. Romidepsin, a histone deacetylase inhibitor obtained from bacteria, has been shown to have selective cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. In both DLBCL and in-vivo xenograft tumors, Romidepsin showed cytotoxicity by means of downregulation of LMP1 and c-myc expression along with the activation of EBV lytic cycle genes [164]. Radicicol obtained from fungus Pochonia, and Tanespimycin, a derivative on the antibiotic geldanamycin are potent inhibitors of HSP90, an interacting partner of LMP1. In EBV-positive SNK6 natural killer cells and B- and T-cell lymphoma cell lines these agents caused a reduction in LMP1 expression, decreased cell proliferation, and reduced tumor size highlighting HSP90 as a suitable target to handle EBV linked malignancies [165]. 6.4. Inhibitors Among the downstream effectors of LMP1 signaling is p22phox, a regulatory subunit of NAD(P)H oxidase (NOX), which can be