Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

May also be conceptualized as meta-organizations–less formal and less hierarchical than firms, but far more coupled than standard markets (Kretschmer et al. 2020). Nonetheless, provided the relevance of this situation, the extant literature seems to not take this point of view into consideration, and also lacks a framework that clarifies why and how a (sustainable) digital platform ecosystem could be configured as a sustainable meta-organizational model. In this direction, the paper gives methods to build a sustainable digital platform ecosystem and stresses its meta-organizational nature (McIntyre et al. 2020), i.e., that of a “population of developers, complementors and others, as partners co-create value using the platform owner by establishing applications and solutions to become made use of on the platform” (Adner 2017; Jacobides Michael and Gawer 2018; Ozalp et al. 2018; Ciulli et al. 2019; Kolk and Ciulli 2020; Hein et al. 2020). This paper has a conceptual nature and is articulated as follows. Just after Section 1, which introduces the key dimensions involved inside the evaluation, Section two delivers a brief methodological note to provide greater evidence in the actions we followed within this analysis. Section three presents a literature overview oriented towards investigating digital platform ecosystems as business models and their link using the notion of sustainable innovation. Section four addresses the hyperlink between the business-oriented as well as the Aurintricarboxylic acid Epigenetics organizational-oriented nature of digital platform ecosystems, also delivering a conceptual framework that illustrates the methods to build a sustainable digital platform ecosystem. Lastly, Section five discusses theoretical and managerial implications and contains some concluding remarks. 2. Methodological Note This operate has a conceptual nature, and also the proposed model is just not derived from empirical data collection but in the integration of previously developed ideas and theories (Hirschheim 2008; Fulmer 2012; Gilson and Goldberg 2015). The research is primarily based on a rigorous literature overview that produced it possible to create insights to be tested in future empirical investigation studies (Jaakkola 2020). The literature review has a clear objective: beginning from a consolidated base to make new understanding by building on cautiously chosen sources and expanding, organizing, or providing a new or alternative explanation of digital platform ecosystems as a meta-organizational model (Fulmer 2012). Within this direction and with this aim, scientific papers and books, dealing with the following topics, were collected and analyzed: (a) digital platforms; (b) sustainable innovation; (c) sustainable business enterprise models; and (d) sustainable organizational models. In particular, the research was conducted on Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and EBSCO, recalling the following keywords and phrases: sustainable innovation AND small business models; sustainable innovation AND organizational models; digital platforms AND sustainability; digital platforms AND business enterprise model OR organizational model. Nevertheless, it was decided to not carry out a systematic literature overview to retain freedom in terms of the selection of performs and literature streams (Petticrew and Roberts 2008). As a result, this perform is strictly conceptual because it drew on suggestions, streams of literature, theories and perspectives of evaluation that have been taken with each other to create the final conceptual framework (Lukka and Vinnari 2014). 3. Literature Evaluation 3.1. The Rise of a brand new Business Model: The Digital Platform Ecosystem This.