Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Manding highly efficient transporting cultivation units and is suitable for scenarios demanding extremely effective and and automated production. automated production.2.4. Establishing an Efficient Logistics Elomotecan custom synthesis Transport System two.four. Establishing an Effective Logistics Transport Method Within this study, according the production approach shown in Figure 1, as combined with Within this study, according toto the production process shown in Figure 1, as combined with the large-scale production demands of factories, a production technique was developed. the large-scale production demands of plant plant factories, a production program was created. The production method giving each day batch seeding, seeding, germination, The production method giving each day batch repeated repeated germination, seedling seedling raising with vertical cultivation shelves, seedlings, transplanting of seedlings, raising with vertical cultivation shelves, spacing ofspacing of seedlings, transplanting of seedlings, with vertical cultivation cultivation shelves, and decrease transport links, cultivation cultivation with verticalshelves, and packaging. To packaging. To cut down transport links, energy inside energy inside the vertical cultivation simplify the overall steer clear of requiringavoid requiringthe vertical cultivation shelves, and shelves, and simplify the general system, a progressive input-output logistics method was constructed for the system, a progressive input-output logistics transporttransport program was constructed for the cultivation units. The cultivation structure was a set of two vertical cultivation cultivation units. The cultivation structure was a set of two vertical cultivation shelves, shelves, every single with six layers and 180 cultivation units (Figure 4). The operation mode of every single with six layers and a total of a total of 180 cultivation units (Figure four). The operation mode from the transport technique method same as that as that of Mode 1, as shown in Figure the logistics logistics transportwas the was the sameof Mode 1, as shown in Figure 3. The 3. The transport integrated a ground ground convey line, GPV and GPVLC, GPVLC, as transport program technique included a convey line, an IOLC,an IOLC, GPV andas shown in shown in Figure 4. Figure 4.Figure four. Vertical transport system of cultivation units without the need of power inside shelf. Figure four. Vertical transport system of cultivation units with out energy inside shelf.The technique was only equipped for two vertical cultivation shelves, each and every having six The system was only equipped for two vertical cultivation shelves, each having six layers with 30 cultivation units in each layer; every single cultivation unit was 596 mm 954 mm. layers with 30 cultivation units in each layer; each cultivation unit was 596 mm 954 mm. Via transport tests of your cultivation units, the operation speed of your important operation Through transport tests of the cultivation units, the operation speed of your important operation links could attain the speeds shown in Table 1, for that reason, the transport system reached links could reach the speeds shown in Table 1, consequently, the transport system reached 330 330 cultivation units h-1 for the input transport productivity, and 270 cultivation units h-1 cultivation units h-1 for the input transport productivity, and 270 cultivation units h-1 for for the output transport productivity. As an extension, its transport capacity was 51,840 the output transport productivity. As an extension, its transport capacity was 51,840 hyhydroponic leafy vegetable.