Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Iscoelastic microporous and fiber material and it’s is metal aluminum foil silicon powder, metal aluminum foil, and fiber cloth. Its of nanoscale surfaceiscomposed it truly is a type (thehigh strength viscoelasticfoil, and fiberTheinsulation detailed structure Figure 2). cloth. Its and it silicon powder, metal is shown inmicroporous size Beijing,composed of nanoscale ofdetailed structure is aluminumFigure two). The size is ten China, surface is metal aluminum foil (the width Kresoxim-methyl Protocol length). The finished solution is shown in is ten 400 600 mm (thickness detailed structure isshown in Figure 2). The size is 10 surface is foil (the shown in aluminum foil, and it truly is metal aluminumnanoscale silicon 400 three. composed of width length). Thepowder, metal is shown in Figure and fiber c Figure00 mm (thickness width length). Thefinished item is shown in Figure3. 400 600 mm (thickness finished solution 3.surface is metal aluminum foil (the detailed structure is shown in Figure 2). The s 400 600 mm (thickness width length). The completed item is shown in FigFigure two. SACIP structure diagram. Figure two. SACIP structure diagram. Figure two. SACIP structure diagram.Figure 2. SACIP structure diagram.Figure three. (a) Side of SACIP and (b) front of SACIP. Figure three. (a) Side of SACIP and (b) front of SACIP. Figure three. (a) Side of SACIP and (b) front of SACIP.2.1.2. Principal Functionality Parameters The SACIP and OCRIP had been sent to the National Refractory Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of Luoyang, China for testing. The test outcomes are shown in Table 1.Figure three. (a) Side of SACIP and (b) front of SACIP.Coatings 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW4 ofCoatings 2021, 11,two.1.2. MPEG-2000-DSPE supplier Primary Overall performance Parameters two.1.two. Primary Overall performance Parameters The SACIP and OCRIP have been sent to the National Refractory Top quality Supervision of 18 four and also the SACIP and OCRIP have been sent to the National Refractory High quality Supervisionand Inspection Center of Luoyang, China for testing. The test results are shown in Table 1. Inspection Center of Luoyang, China for testing. The test results are shown in Table 1.Table 1. Test information.Table 1. Test information. Table 1. Test information.Material Material OCRIP OCRIP SACIP SACIPDensity (Kg/m3Material three Density (Kg/m)) 536 536 149OCRIP SACIPRefractoriness C) Refractoriness (Density (kg/m3 ) 1560 1560 536 1760 149Physical Parameters Physical Parameters Physical Parameters Thermal Conductivity (W/mk) Thermal Conductivity (W/mk) Thermal Conductivity (W/mK) Hot ( C) C) RefractorinessSurface Temperature: 800 } {Hot SurfaceHot Surface Temperature: 800 ( C) Temperature: 800 (0.073 0.073 1560 0.073 0.031 1760 0.031 0.Table 11shows that the SACIP has high refractoriness, low bulk density and low therTable shows that the SACIP has high refractoriness, low bulk density low low Table 1 shows that the SACIP has high refractoriness, low bulk density and and thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity is only 0.031 W/mk at 800 , which is 0.042 mal conductivity. TheThe thermal conductivity is only 0.031 W/mK at , that is 0.042 thermal conductivity. thermal conductivity is only 0.031 W/mk at 800 800 C, which can be W/mk reduced than the OCRIP. W/mk reduce than than the OCRIP. 0.042 W/mK lowerthe OCRIP. 2.1.3. Approach of Use 2.1.3. Approach of Use 2.1.three. Technique of Make use of the steel ladle is composed of two components: steel shell and refractory materials. The reThe steel ladle is composed of two parts: steel shell and refractory supplies. The recomposed of two parts: steel shell and refractory supplies. The The st.