Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Ehavior,with autonomic signs,linked with an impairment of consciousness,following propagation to a bigger network (Chauvel. Propagation from orbitofrontal regions also seems unlikely to clarify ecstatic semiology. Interestingly,various of the individuals having ecstatic seizures report the possibility of triggering them by pondering about former fits or precise memories (pleasant and neutral; Asheim Hansen and Brodtkorb,,or a pleasant emotional context,as in patient from (Picard,or in other individuals (individual communications,FP). This supports the idea that epilepsies possess a certain reflex component with whereby a minimal degree of functional activation of your epileptogenic (hyperexcitable) zone can trigger the epileptic discharge (Illingworth and Ring Irmen et al,as in particular observed in lateral temporal lobe epilepsies with auditory characteristics,in which noises can trigger seizures (Michelucci et al,or also inside the so called hotwater or bathing epilepsy (Bebek et al,in which a pleasurable ictal feeling is triggered by the strong sensory input of a hot bath,and for which abnormal insular activation has been demonstrated in hereditary forms (Nguyen et al. The case described by CabreraValdivia et al. is intriguing in that it hyperlinks the ecstatic practical experience to a different variety of instances with idiopathic generalized epilepsy,which practice a willingly selfinduction of absence seizures,e.g by partial eye closure with upward deviation in front of a bright light,or possibly a flickering television screen of former occasions ( Hz),as a way to provoke pleasurable seizures (“selfinduced photosensitive epilepsy” or “television epilepsy”; Ehret and Schneider Andermann Binnie et al. Binnie and Wilkins. Ultimately,the activation of an underlying additional complicated distinct cognitive network,which would elicit the epileptic discharge,has also been postulated for other idiopathic generalized epilepsies (Wolf.Ecstatic Aura Provoked by Electrical Brain StimulationThe proof of concept for the vital involvement in the anterior insula in ecstatic seizures was provided by the case of a yearold lady with drugresistant suitable hemispheric seizures (Picard et al b). Since the age of she had PubMed ID: reported seizures with intense feelings of bliss and wellbeing,like “sensations of airflow” from her stomach,using a feeling of “floating.” This was accompanied by enhanced sensory perception,specially of intense colors,and a subjective time dilation. The subsequent symptoms consisted of impairmentFrontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience www.frontiersin.orgFebruary Volume ArticleGschwind and PicardAnterior Insula and Ecstatic Seizuresof consciousness and gestural and oroalimentary automatisms. Through the presurgical evaluation,intracerebral electrodes had been implanted inside the proper temporal lobe and insular cortex. Her seizures had been located always to NSC-521777 site originate from the ideal mesiotemporal region and swiftly propagate to the anteriordorsal insular cortex. Even so,stimulation of the appropriate anteriordorsal insular electrode provoked a “very pleasant funny sensation of floating in addition to a sweet shiver” in her arms,identical to her usual auras,whereas stimulation with the right amygdala elicited sturdy unpleasant sensations like anxiety and epigastric stress. None of the stimulation of other electrodes had a similar effect (Picard et al b). In yet another patient,intracerebral electrodes recorded epileptic discharges inside the insular cortex through a spontaneous seizure,starting with a feeling of mirth,and clairvoyance (Isnard et.