Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Ly financed by the FCT grants POCIV.A and CONCREEQ. We would prefer to thank Rui Silva,Eliana Costa e Silva,Nzoji Hipolito,Toni Machado,Flora Ferreira and Emanuel Sousa for their aid through the robotic experiments.
ORIGINAL Investigation ARTICLEpublished: November doi: .fnbotEEG theta and Mu oscillations through perception of human and robot actionsBurcu A. Urgen,,Markus Plank ,Hiroshi Ishiguro ,,Howard Poizner ,and Ayse P Saygin,Division of Cognitive Science,University of California San Diego,San Diego,CA,USA Qualcomm Institute,California Institute of Telecommunications and Info Technologies,University of California San Diego,San Diego,CA,USA Institute for Neural Computation,University of California San Diego,San Diego,CA,USA Osaka University,Osaka,Japan Advanced Telecommunications Research,Keihanna Science City,Japan Neurosciences Program,University of California San Diego,San Diego,CA,USAEdited by: Alex Pitti,Universitde CergyPontoise,France Reviewed by: Michel Hoen,UniversitClaude Bernard Lyon ,France Peter Marshall,Temple University,USA Guillaume Dumas,Florida Atlantic University,USA Correspondence: Burcu A. Urgen and Ayse P Saygin. Division of Cognitive Science,University of California San Diego,Gilman Drive,La Jolla,CA ,USA email:; saygincogsci.ucsd.eduThe perception of others’ actions supports vital capabilities such as communication,intention understanding,and empathy. Are mechanisms of action processing in the human brain especially PubMed ID: tuned to course of action biological agents Humanoid robots can execute recognizable actions,but can look and move differently from humans,and as such,is usually employed in experiments to address such queries. Right here,we recorded EEG as participants viewed actions performed by 3 agents. Inside the Human situation,the agent had biological look and motion. The other two conditions featured a stateoftheart robot in two distinctive appearances: Android,which had biological look but mechanical motion,and Robot,which had mechanical look and motion. We explored whether sensorimotor mu ( Hz) and MS023 site frontal theta ( Hz) activity exhibited selectivity for biological entities,in particular for no matter whether the visual look andor the motion in the observed agent was biological. Sensorimotor mu suppression has been linked towards the motor simulation aspect of action processing (as well as the human mirror neuron program,MNS),and frontal theta to semantic and memoryrelated elements. For all three agents,action observation induced substantial attenuation within the energy of mu oscillations,with no distinction amongst agents. Therefore,mu suppression,regarded an index of MNS activity,will not appear to become selective for biological agents. Observation on the Robot resulted in greater frontal theta activity compared to the Android and also the Human,whereas the latter two did not differ from each other. Frontal theta therefore seems to become sensitive to visual look,suggesting agents which can be not sufficiently biological in look may well result in greater memory processing demands for the observer. Studies combining robotics and neuroscience such as this a single can let us to discover neural basis of action processing on the one hand,and inform the design of social robots around the other.Keywords: EEG,action perception,social robotics,mirror neuron system,mu rhythm,theta rhythmINTRODUCTION From dolls and statues,to contemporary horror and science fiction stories,humans have lengthy been preoccupied with creating other entities in their lik.