Mon. Jan 6th, 2025

10) that sometimes looks quite similar to its parental types, making identifications challenging. Poa infirma has more crowded and small spikelets on branches that are more ascending, in addition to shorter anthers [0.2-0.5(?.6) mm], and is a short-lived ephemeral. SorengRevision of Poa L. (Poaceae, Pooideae, Poeae, Poinae) in Mexico: …et al. (2003a) cited P. infirma for Mexico, but review of the US vouchers by Hildemar Scholz (B), and subsequently again by RJS and also for MO and MEXU vouchers did not reveal any authentic material. Since then, one authentic specimen was found in a loan from TAES. It is expected to be present elsewhere in Mexico. It is well established in lower elevations of central and southern California west of the Sierra Nevada, and occurs at scattered high elevation locations from Colombia south to Argentina. One old collection from Guatemala, 1880s, H.vonT ckheim 907 (US) originally distributed as P. infirma, was redetermined by H. Scholz (det. 2007) as Ochlopoa maroccana (Nannf.) H. Scholz (Poa maroccana Nannf.). This is the only US specimen from the New World that he determined as this species, and RJS redetermined (det. 2011) it as “P. infirma?” Only one anther (0.3 mm long) was found on this specimen, pointing to P. infirma, but the panicles are short and spreading, and more similar in aspect to P. annua.11. Poa matris-occidentalis P.M. Peterson Soreng, Sida 22(2): 906, 908, f. 1a?c, 2c , 3a , 4. 2006. Figs 10, 11 Type: Mexico, Durango, Sierra Madre Occidental, southwest slope of Cerro Gordo, just below twin rock outcrops, 23?2’32.5″ N, 104?6’54.1″W, 3130-3200 m, 26 Sep 2005, P.M.Peterson F.S chez-Alvarado 19145 (holotype: US!; isotypes: CIIDIR!, MEXU!). Description. Hermaphroditic. Perennials; tufted, sub-rhizomatous, tufts fairly dense to loose, of moderate girth and height, dark green; tillers mainly extravaginal (basally cataphyllous), with lateral or downward tending, brownish, cataphyllous shoots. Culms 45?0 cm tall, erect or bases slightly decumbent, leafy, terete or weakly compressed, smooth; nodes terete, 2?, 1? exerted. Leaf sheaths compressed, distinctly Entinostat dose keeled with a short wing to 0.5 mm deep, smooth, glabrous, or the lower ones sometimes retrorsely scabrous or puberulent; butt sheaths cataphyllous, brownish, smooth, glabrous; flag leaf sheaths 10?5 cm long, margins fused 66?0 the length, 0.4?.1 ?longer than its blade; collars smooth or lightly scabrous, glabrous or ciliate; ligules 3.5? mm long, scarious-white to hyaline, abaxially smooth, glabrous, or sometimes puberulent, apex obtuse to acute, entire; blades mostly 10?0 cm long, 2? mm wide, flat, to broad-V shaped, thin, lax, abaxial surface and margins lightly scabrous along the veins, adaxially smooth, glabrous throughout, with about 17 veins expressed, apices narrowly prow-tipped; mid-cauline blades 20?0 cm long, ca. 2 ?longer than the flag leaf blades, flag leaf blades 12?2 cm long; sterile shoot blades similar to cauline blades. Panicles 12?6 cm long, nodding, open, P144 msds pyramidal, sparse, with 24?5 spikelets, proximal internode 2.5?.5 cm long; rachis with (1?2(?) branches per node; primary branches ascending to spreading, slender, flexuous, lax, angled, angles sparsely to moderately scabrous; lateral pedicels on average as long as spikelets, moderatelyRobert J. Soreng Paul M. Peterson / PhytoKeys 15: 1?04 (2012)Figure 10. Poa matris-occidentalis P.M. Peterson Soreng. A P. matris-occ.10) that sometimes looks quite similar to its parental types, making identifications challenging. Poa infirma has more crowded and small spikelets on branches that are more ascending, in addition to shorter anthers [0.2-0.5(?.6) mm], and is a short-lived ephemeral. SorengRevision of Poa L. (Poaceae, Pooideae, Poeae, Poinae) in Mexico: …et al. (2003a) cited P. infirma for Mexico, but review of the US vouchers by Hildemar Scholz (B), and subsequently again by RJS and also for MO and MEXU vouchers did not reveal any authentic material. Since then, one authentic specimen was found in a loan from TAES. It is expected to be present elsewhere in Mexico. It is well established in lower elevations of central and southern California west of the Sierra Nevada, and occurs at scattered high elevation locations from Colombia south to Argentina. One old collection from Guatemala, 1880s, H.vonT ckheim 907 (US) originally distributed as P. infirma, was redetermined by H. Scholz (det. 2007) as Ochlopoa maroccana (Nannf.) H. Scholz (Poa maroccana Nannf.). This is the only US specimen from the New World that he determined as this species, and RJS redetermined (det. 2011) it as “P. infirma?” Only one anther (0.3 mm long) was found on this specimen, pointing to P. infirma, but the panicles are short and spreading, and more similar in aspect to P. annua.11. Poa matris-occidentalis P.M. Peterson Soreng, Sida 22(2): 906, 908, f. 1a?c, 2c , 3a , 4. 2006. Figs 10, 11 Type: Mexico, Durango, Sierra Madre Occidental, southwest slope of Cerro Gordo, just below twin rock outcrops, 23?2’32.5″ N, 104?6’54.1″W, 3130-3200 m, 26 Sep 2005, P.M.Peterson F.S chez-Alvarado 19145 (holotype: US!; isotypes: CIIDIR!, MEXU!). Description. Hermaphroditic. Perennials; tufted, sub-rhizomatous, tufts fairly dense to loose, of moderate girth and height, dark green; tillers mainly extravaginal (basally cataphyllous), with lateral or downward tending, brownish, cataphyllous shoots. Culms 45?0 cm tall, erect or bases slightly decumbent, leafy, terete or weakly compressed, smooth; nodes terete, 2?, 1? exerted. Leaf sheaths compressed, distinctly keeled with a short wing to 0.5 mm deep, smooth, glabrous, or the lower ones sometimes retrorsely scabrous or puberulent; butt sheaths cataphyllous, brownish, smooth, glabrous; flag leaf sheaths 10?5 cm long, margins fused 66?0 the length, 0.4?.1 ?longer than its blade; collars smooth or lightly scabrous, glabrous or ciliate; ligules 3.5? mm long, scarious-white to hyaline, abaxially smooth, glabrous, or sometimes puberulent, apex obtuse to acute, entire; blades mostly 10?0 cm long, 2? mm wide, flat, to broad-V shaped, thin, lax, abaxial surface and margins lightly scabrous along the veins, adaxially smooth, glabrous throughout, with about 17 veins expressed, apices narrowly prow-tipped; mid-cauline blades 20?0 cm long, ca. 2 ?longer than the flag leaf blades, flag leaf blades 12?2 cm long; sterile shoot blades similar to cauline blades. Panicles 12?6 cm long, nodding, open, pyramidal, sparse, with 24?5 spikelets, proximal internode 2.5?.5 cm long; rachis with (1?2(?) branches per node; primary branches ascending to spreading, slender, flexuous, lax, angled, angles sparsely to moderately scabrous; lateral pedicels on average as long as spikelets, moderatelyRobert J. Soreng Paul M. Peterson / PhytoKeys 15: 1?04 (2012)Figure 10. Poa matris-occidentalis P.M. Peterson Soreng. A P. matris-occ.