Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Cy Memoryattention anxiety Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Physical state Selfefficacy Memoryattention TMC647055 (Choline salt) site anxiousness Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy MedChemExpress ML240 Memory anxiety Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Physique image Median……. ……………….. Lower quartile……………………… Upper quartile………………………. Pvaluessingledivorcedwidow educatiol level high college at least university Kids Yes .no Psychological remedies Yes ..(Continued)Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy :submit your manuscript dovepress.comDovepressgorini et alDovepressTable (Continued)n Variable Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical well being Selfefficacy Memory Median………………………. Decrease quartile………………………. Upper quartile…………. ………….. Pvaluesno smoking Yes no exsmoker Physical activity Yes no Persol history of cancer Yes (Continued)submit your manuscript dovepress.comBreast Cancer: Targets and Therapy :DovepressDovepressValidation of a breast cancer patientprofiling questionireTable (Continued)n Variable anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh PubMed ID: sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Median………………….. Lower quartile………………….. Upper quartile………………….. age # years. years years yearsAbbreviation: gsrh, global selfrated wellness.also difficult to complete or burdensome. Moreover, sufferers showed a clear preference for finishing the questionire on the iPad, compared to the paperandpencil version, irrespective of their age and educatiol level. They are encouraging and essential data, contemplating that the electronic version is vital for the future improvement with the tool, that will automatically create the patient’s profile to become sent to physicians, possibly inside the form of a graphic report, tohelp them to possess an instant insight in to the patient’s qualities. From a statistical point of view, the ALGABC scale shows important proof of validity and reliability.Cy Memoryattention anxiety Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Physical state Selfefficacy Memoryattention anxiousness Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical well being Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical well being Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical health Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Body image Median……. ……………….. Lower quartile……………………… Upper quartile………………………. Pvaluessingledivorcedwidow educatiol level high college at the least university Young children Yes .no Psychological remedies Yes ..(Continued)Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy :submit your manuscript dovepress.comDovepressgorini et alDovepressTable (Continued)n Variable Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical health Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical well being Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical well being Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical well being Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical well being Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical health Selfefficacy Memory Median………………………. Decrease quartile………………………. Upper quartile…………. ………….. Pvaluesno smoking Yes no exsmoker Physical activity Yes no Persol history of cancer Yes (Continued)submit your manuscript dovepress.comBreast Cancer: Targets and Therapy :DovepressDovepressValidation of a breast cancer patientprofiling questionireTable (Continued)n Variable anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh PubMed ID: sexual life Perceived physical wellness Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Physique image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical overall health Selfefficacy Memory anxiety Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical health Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Perceived physical well being Selfefficacy Memory anxiousness Body image Cognitive closure gsrh sexual life Median………………….. Reduced quartile………………….. Upper quartile………………….. age # years. years years yearsAbbreviation: gsrh, worldwide selfrated wellness.also tough to complete or burdensome. In addition, sufferers showed a clear preference for finishing the questionire on the iPad, when compared with the paperandpencil version, no matter their age and educatiol level. They are encouraging and essential information, thinking of that the electronic version is important for the future improvement from the tool, which will automatically produce the patient’s profile to be sent to physicians, maybe in the form of a graphic report, tohelp them to have an quick insight into the patient’s characteristics. From a statistical point of view, the ALGABC scale shows substantial evidence of validity and reliability.