E diet-induced obesity mice were fed the HFD in the control
E diet-induced obesity mice were fed the HFD in the control group or a modified HFD in the experimental group, in which the carbohydrate source was replaced with the resveratrol-enriched…
E diet-induced obesity mice were fed the HFD in the control group or a modified HFD in the experimental group, in which the carbohydrate source was replaced with the resveratrol-enriched…
Romoting pseudoexon inclusion was experimentally verified by deleting this sequence in the pT-FGG-IVS6-320A.T plasmid. Transient transfection of the 25-bp-deleted construct (pT-FGG-M-del25) in HeLa cells resulted in a change in pseudoexon…
Ished by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH Publication No. 85-23, revised 1996) and approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of the Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University…
Evable for the GPCRs of interest. In comparison, FCS can be performed in small volumes (,10 mL) or even less when microfluidic delivery methods are employed, and it is very…
Ing. Consequently, the insulator protein CTCF and the DNA methyltransferase DNMT3A are associated with this term as well. Some functions related to transport are enriched and associated with both human…
F to 120 hpf (before the feeding stage), several lethal or sublethal endpoints based on the DarT protocol , including survival rates, hatching rate, edema, tail detachment, somite formation, spontaneous…
GAn Unusual RNA Trans-Splicing Typeare included (Fig. 1B). The length of oligoadenylation observed for all taxa and all cox3 products is similar, typically ranging from 12?19 nucleotides. For cox3H1-6 this…
Activation. To determine if the CD96 expression was changed during HIV-1 infection, we assessed CD96 expression by CD8+ T cells in elite controllers (EC) (mean 961 CD4+ T cells/mm3 and…
S Ethics StatementThis study was approved in accordance with the University of Maryland's Institutional Review Board (IRB #11-0335), Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46), and…
Ated into the roof plate but did not perform neural crest migration (Figures 3D ), indicating that the neural crest-derived melanocytes residing in the differentiated stratified epithelium of the skin…