Ture of the U87 cells treated with shRNAs. Arrow pointed are focal adhesion structures. (C) Cell-matrix adhesion after the knocking-down of the three genes. *, p,0.05, n = 4. (D) Cell-cell adhesion after the knocking-down of the three genes. (TIF) Table 22948146 S1 Screening approach 1 result. The Cy5/Cy3 ratio purchase 86168-78-7 values from all the probes were ranked from high to low and the ranking percentile was used for assessing the inhibitory effect of the shRNA on cell migration. This percentile translates to the percentage of shRNAs that have lower Cy5/Cy3 values than it is, so that a GHRH (1-29) web higher percentile represents a higher Cy5/Cy3 value. The targeting genes for probes with high ranking are more likely to inhibit GBM cell migration (XLSX) Table S2 Target sequences of the secondary shRNAsSupporting InformationAutomated cell counting program. (A) Raw image. (B) Image after processing, cells are labeled with different colors for clarity. (C) Magnified image of the box area in B, the accuracy of cell detection is over 95 . Particles on the membrane (an example pointed by red arrow) are excluded. (TIF)Figure S1 Figure SThe effect of gene knockdown on U87 cell proliferation. Cells were infected with shRNA lentivirus targeting the indicated genes (or mock transduced) before experiments. Cell proliferation was monitored every 24 hours
using two methods, MTS assay or viable cell count, for 6 days. Results were shown as the absorbance at 490 nm (A490) in MTS assay (left), or the number of viable cells counted (right). Experiments were repeated 6 times and results were shown as average with standard deviations. (TIF) samples were obtained within 2 hours of surgery. (B) Sapropterin (dihydrochloride) chemical information Neurospheres form within 7 days in suspension culture in serum free medium get Dimethylenastron containing bFGF. (C) After removing the attached cells as well as non-proliferating single cells, pure neurospheres were obtained. (TIF)Figure S3 Primary culture of GBM cells. (A) Fresh tumor(DOCX)Method SFigure S4 Association of HCFC1, KHSRP, and FLNAImage processing pipelineexpression with patient survival length. Data was collected from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and analyzed for each probe corresponding to the genes of interest separately. A horizontal line was drawn at median expression level, a vertical line was drawn at 5 years survival length. For both probes of HCFC1, and probes 1 and 2 for KHSRP, significantly more(DOCX)Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: XX. Performed the experiments: JY. Analyzed the data: JY JF FL PC YF XX YL. Contributed reagents/ materials/analysis tools: SW. Wrote the paper: XX.
Gene targeting technology, which introduces novel DNA sequences at specific sites of the chromosome with exogenous DNA, is a powerful tool to investigate gene functions. In human cell lines, however, the method is not practicable in most cases because efficiency of homologous recombination (HR) necessary for the gene targeting is much lower than that of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) [1,2]. The inefficiency makes targeted recombinants mostly hidden by predominant non-targeted random integrants. Thus, knockdown of gene expression by small interfering (si) RNA has been utilized widely to examine cellular functions of genes of interest in human cells. However, reduction of gene expression by siRNA is not perfect and 10?0 of gene expression usually remains after siRNA treatments. Recent development of zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) [3], which introduce double-strand breaks at unique chromosome sites.Ture of the U87 cells treated with shRNAs. Arrow pointed are focal adhesion structures. (C) Cell-matrix adhesion after the knocking-down of the three genes. *, p,0.05, n = 4. (D) Cell-cell adhesion after the knocking-down of the three genes. (TIF) Table 22948146 S1 Screening approach 1 result. The Cy5/Cy3 ratio values from all the probes were ranked from high to low and the ranking percentile was used for assessing the inhibitory effect of the shRNA on cell migration. This percentile translates to the percentage of shRNAs that have lower Cy5/Cy3 values than it is, so that a higher percentile represents a higher Cy5/Cy3 value. The targeting genes for probes with high ranking are more likely to inhibit GBM cell migration (XLSX) Table S2 Target sequences of the secondary shRNAsSupporting InformationAutomated cell counting program. (A) Raw image. (B) Image after processing, cells are labeled with different colors for clarity. (C) Magnified image of the box area in B, the accuracy of cell detection is over 95 . Particles on the membrane (an example pointed by red arrow) are excluded. (TIF)Figure S1 Figure SThe effect of gene knockdown on U87 cell proliferation. Cells were infected with shRNA lentivirus targeting the indicated genes (or mock transduced) before experiments. Cell proliferation was monitored every 24 hours using two methods, MTS assay or viable cell count, for 6 days. Results were shown as the absorbance at 490 nm (A490) in MTS assay (left), or the number of viable cells counted (right). Experiments were repeated 6 times and results were shown as average with standard deviations. (TIF) samples were obtained within 2 hours of surgery. (B) Neurospheres form within 7 days in suspension culture in serum free medium containing bFGF. (C) After removing the attached cells as well as non-proliferating single cells, pure neurospheres were obtained. (TIF)Figure S3 Primary culture of GBM cells. (A) Fresh tumor(DOCX)Method SFigure S4 Association of HCFC1, KHSRP, and FLNAImage processing pipelineexpression with patient survival length. Data was collected from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and analyzed for each probe corresponding to the genes of interest separately. A horizontal line was drawn at median expression level, a vertical line was drawn at 5 years survival length. For both probes of HCFC1, and probes 1 and 2 for KHSRP, significantly more(DOCX)Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: XX. Performed the experiments: JY. Analyzed the data: JY JF FL PC YF XX YL. Contributed reagents/ materials/analysis tools: SW. Wrote the paper: XX.
Gene targeting technology, which introduces novel DNA sequences at specific sites of the chromosome with exogenous DNA, is a powerful tool to investigate gene functions. In human cell lines, however, the method is not practicable in most cases because efficiency of homologous recombination (HR) necessary for the gene targeting is much lower than that of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) [1,2]. The inefficiency makes targeted recombinants mostly hidden by predominant non-targeted random integrants. Thus, knockdown of gene expression by small interfering (si) RNA has been utilized widely to examine cellular functions of genes of interest in human cells. However, reduction of gene expression by siRNA is not perfect and 10?0 of gene expression usually remains after siRNA treatments. Recent development of zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) [3], which introduce double-strand breaks at unique chromosome sites.Ture of the U87 cells treated with shRNAs. Arrow pointed are focal adhesion structures. (C) Cell-matrix adhesion after the knocking-down of the three genes. *, p,0.05, n = 4. (D) Cell-cell adhesion after the knocking-down of the three genes. (TIF) Table 22948146 S1 Screening approach 1 result. The Cy5/Cy3 ratio values from all the probes were ranked from high to low and the ranking percentile was used for assessing the inhibitory effect of the shRNA on cell migration. This percentile translates to the percentage of shRNAs that have lower Cy5/Cy3 values than it is, so that a higher percentile represents a higher Cy5/Cy3 value. The targeting genes for probes with high ranking are more likely to inhibit GBM cell migration (XLSX) Table S2 Target sequences of the secondary shRNAsSupporting InformationAutomated cell counting program. (A) Raw image. (B) Image after processing, cells are labeled with different colors for clarity. (C) Magnified image of the box area in B, the accuracy of cell detection is over 95 . Particles on the membrane (an example pointed by red arrow) are excluded. (TIF)Figure S1 Figure SThe effect of gene knockdown on U87 cell proliferation. Cells were infected with shRNA lentivirus targeting the indicated genes (or mock transduced) before experiments. Cell proliferation was monitored every 24 hours using two methods, MTS assay or viable cell count, for 6 days. Results were shown as the absorbance at 490 nm (A490) in MTS assay (left), or the number of viable cells counted (right). Experiments were repeated 6 times and results were shown as average with standard deviations. (TIF) samples were obtained within 2 hours of surgery. (B) Neurospheres form within 7 days in suspension culture in serum free medium containing bFGF. (C) After removing the attached cells as well as non-proliferating single cells, pure neurospheres were obtained. (TIF)Figure S3 Primary culture of GBM cells. (A) Fresh tumor(DOCX)Method SFigure S4 Association of HCFC1, KHSRP, and FLNAImage processing pipelineexpression with patient survival length. Data was collected from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and analyzed for each probe corresponding to the genes of interest separately. A horizontal line was drawn at median expression level, a vertical line was drawn at 5 years survival length. For both probes of HCFC1, and probes 1 and 2 for KHSRP, significantly more(DOCX)Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: XX. Performed the experiments: JY. Analyzed the data: JY JF FL PC YF XX YL. Contributed reagents/ materials/analysis tools: SW. Wrote the paper: XX.
Gene targeting technology, which introduces novel DNA sequences at specific sites of the chromosome with exogenous DNA, is a powerful tool to investigate gene functions. In human cell lines, however, the method is not practicable in most cases because efficiency of homologous recombination (HR) necessary for the gene targeting is much lower than that of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) [1,2]. The inefficiency makes targeted recombinants mostly hidden by predominant non-targeted random integrants. Thus, knockdown of gene expression by small interfering (si) RNA has been utilized widely to examine cellular functions of genes of interest in human cells. However, reduction of gene expression by siRNA is not perfect and 10?0 of gene expression usually remains after siRNA treatments. Recent development of zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) [3], which introduce double-strand breaks at unique chromosome sites.Ture of the U87 cells treated with shRNAs. Arrow pointed are focal adhesion structures. (C) Cell-matrix adhesion after the knocking-down of the three genes. *, p,0.05, n = 4. (D) Cell-cell adhesion after the knocking-down of the three genes. (TIF) Table 22948146 S1 Screening approach 1 result. The Cy5/Cy3 ratio values from all the probes were ranked from high to low and the ranking percentile was used for assessing the inhibitory effect of the shRNA on cell migration. This percentile translates to the percentage of shRNAs that have lower Cy5/Cy3 values than it is, so that a higher percentile represents a higher Cy5/Cy3 value. The targeting genes for probes with high ranking are more likely to inhibit GBM cell migration (XLSX) Table S2 Target sequences of the secondary shRNAsSupporting InformationAutomated cell counting program. (A) Raw image. (B) Image after processing, cells are labeled with different colors for clarity. (C) Magnified image of the box area in B, the accuracy of cell detection is over 95 . Particles on the membrane (an example pointed by red arrow) are excluded. (TIF)Figure S1 Figure SThe effect of gene knockdown on U87 cell proliferation. Cells were infected with shRNA lentivirus targeting the indicated genes (or mock transduced) before experiments. Cell proliferation was monitored every 24 hours using two methods, MTS assay or viable cell count, for 6 days. Results were shown as the absorbance at 490 nm (A490) in MTS assay (left), or the number of viable cells counted (right). Experiments were repeated 6 times and results were shown as average with standard deviations. (TIF) samples were obtained within 2 hours of surgery. (B) Neurospheres form within 7 days in suspension culture in serum free medium containing bFGF. (C) After removing the attached cells as well as non-proliferating single cells, pure neurospheres were obtained. (TIF)Figure S3 Primary culture of GBM cells. (A) Fresh tumor(DOCX)Method SFigure S4 Association of HCFC1, KHSRP, and FLNAImage processing pipelineexpression with patient survival length. Data was collected from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and analyzed for each probe corresponding to the genes of interest separately. A horizontal line was drawn at median expression level, a vertical line was drawn at 5 years survival length. For both probes of HCFC1, and probes 1 and 2 for KHSRP, significantly more(DOCX)Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments: XX. Performed the experiments: JY. Analyzed the data: JY JF FL PC YF XX YL. Contributed reagents/ materials/analysis tools: SW. Wrote the paper: XX.
Gene targeting technology, which introduces novel DNA sequences at specific sites of the chromosome with exogenous DNA, is a powerful tool to investigate gene functions. In human cell lines, however, the method is not practicable in most cases because efficiency of homologous recombination (HR) necessary for the gene targeting is much lower than that of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) [1,2]. The inefficiency makes targeted recombinants mostly hidden by predominant non-targeted random integrants. Thus, knockdown of gene expression by small interfering (si) RNA has been utilized widely to examine cellular functions of genes of interest in human cells. However, reduction of gene expression by siRNA is not perfect and 10?0 of gene expression usually remains after siRNA treatments. Recent development of zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) [3], which introduce double-strand breaks at unique chromosome sites.