Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Stimulation of AGS cells with IL-22 leads to the inhibition of H. pylori-induced CCL20 expression. A, AGS cells have been stained with an isotype control antibody (dashed line) or an antiIL-22R1 antibody (sound line) conjugated with allophycocyanin and analyzed by stream cytometry. B, AGS cells had been contaminated with H. pylori (HP) in the presence of various concentration of IL-22 for 24 h and the CCL20 concentration in the lifestyle supernatants was determined by ELISA. C-D, AGS cells had been contaminated with H. pylori in the presence or absence of IL-22 and the CCL20 mRNA in the cells (C) and CCL20 protein in the lifestyle supernatants (D) ended up established by genuine-time PCR and ELISA, respectively. E. AGS cells had been pretreated with a neutralizing antibody in opposition to IL-22R1 (2 mg/ml) for one h adopted by the H. pylori an infection in the absence or presence of IL-22 for 6 h. The CCL20 focus in the society supernatants was decided by ELISA. Information represent the mean 6 SEM from three unbiased experiments.
The CCL20 promoter region (nucleotides -91 to -fifty) is critical for the IL-22-attenuated CCL20 expression. A, Schematic representation of luciferase reporter constructs that contains different lengths of the CCL20 promoter. The locations of putative binding sites for different transcription factors are indicated at best. B, Inhibition of H. pylori-induced CCL20 promoter action by IL-22. Left panel, AGS cells were co-transfected with the indicated CCL20 promoter constructs and pRL-TK Renilla luciferase plasmid. At 48 h following transfection, cells were infected with H. pylori in the existence or absence of IL-22. Luciferase activity was normalized to the expression of a co-transfected pRL-TK Renilla luciferase plasmid. The activity of every single assemble is offered as 465-99-6 relative luciferase exercise of H. pylori-contaminated cells compared to uninfected cells (open up bar set as one). , p,.02 , p,.005 for H. pylori + IL-22 compared to H. pylori only. Correct panel, the inhibitory efficiency (% inhibition) was calculated as follows: [(CCL20 promoter activity in the absence of IL-22 2 CCL20 promoter action in the presence of IL-22) / CCL20 promoter exercise in the absence of IL-22]6100.
Nucleotide substitutions are indicated in reduced scenario and the deleted location is indicated as sprint line. B, Inhibitory consequences of IL-22 on CCL20 promoter actions. Left panel, AGS cells have been co-transfected with the indicated CCL20 promoter constructs and pRL-TK Renilla luciferase plasmid. At forty eight h soon after transfection, cells had been infected with H. pylori in the existence or absence of IL-22 and the relative luciferase exercise was calculated. Info represent the mean six SEM from 3 impartial experiments. , p,.05, , p,.005 for H. pylori + IL-22 as opposed to H.26396690 pylori only. Correct panel, the inhibitory effectiveness (% inhibition) had been calculated as described in Fig. 4B. , p,.05 compared to pGL3-862, pGL3/EBPm or pGL3-SPm. C, Inhibitory consequences of IL-22 on a promoter that contains NF-kB binding sites. AGS cells had been co-transfected with pGL4.32 NF-kB luciferase reporter and pRL-TK Renilla luciferase plasmid. At 48 h right after transfection, cells had been contaminated with H. pylori in the presence or absence of IL-22 and the relative luciferase activity was calculated. Info signify the indicate six SEM from 3 unbiased experiments. DNA-protein complexes contained equally p50/p50 homodimer and p50/p65 heterodimer, and the existence of surplus cold probe diminished the complexes formation, demonstrating the specificity of the binding. The binding of the two NF-kB p50/p50 and NF-kB p50/p65 to the NF-kB consensus binding site was reduced when nuclear extracts from AGS cells contaminated with H. pylori in the presence of IL-22 had been used (Fig. 7B). Constant with the EMSA benefits, the ChIP assay confirmed IL-22 substantially decreased the conversation of NF-kB p65 with the CCL20 promoter in AGS cells (p,.02) (Fig. 7C).